Results for 'Macarena Soledad Fernandez'

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  1.  22
    Factores que diferencian el consumo frecuente y esporádico de marihuana en estudiantes universitarios.Angelina Pilatti, Gabriela Rivarola Montejano, Macarena Nillus, Macarena Soledad Fernandez & Ricardo Marcos Pautassi - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):87-104.
    Although marijuana use is highly prevalent among university students in Argentina, little is known about the factors that distinguish frequent marijuana users from sporadic users. For this reason, the present study investigated the possible variations in the contexts of consumption, motives for consumption, perceived norms, and protective behavioral strategies among university students with frequent or sporadic marijuana use, and analyzed the usefulness of this set of variables to distinguish between these two types of users. For this purpose, a sample of (...)
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    Animitas. Finitud, tiempo e imagen.Macarena Soledad González Franzani - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:29-52.
    El siguiente trabajo sitúa a las animitas en el campo de la filosofía como un esfuerzo por comprenderlas desde una perspectiva complementaria a los trabajos que ya existen. Se trata de una búsqueda, un intento por atender a la profundidad de su sentido teniendo en cuenta su origen histórico y su función. El análisis se plantea desde una perspectiva filosófica que combina el estudio de las imágenes de las tradiciones alemana y francesa para concluir que, en estos artefactos particulares de (...)
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    Evidence of different models of socially responsible HRM in Europe.Rosalia Diaz‐Carrion, Macarena López‐Fernández & Pedro M. Romero‐Fernandez - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (1):1-18.
    Socially responsible human resource management (SR‐HRM) is becoming increasingly important for academics and managers. The interface between HRM and corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the subject of analysis in this article. It adopts a contextual perspective to analyze whether the institutional context influences the implementation of socially responsible HRM (SR‐HRM). Considering the differences in the national institutional contexts across Europe, this study explores the different models of SR‐HRM in that region. The research is focused on a sample of 153 companies (...)
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    Are Psycho-Behavioral Factors Accounting for Longevity?Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros & Macarena Sánchez-Izquierdo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. ¿ Quiénes son los intelectuales indígenas ecuatorianos?: aportes para una construcción intercultural de saberes en América Latina.Blanca Soledad Fernández - 2010 - A Parte Rei 71:8.
  6.  34
    Paternalism vs. Autonomy: Are They Alternative Types of Formal Care?Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, Macarena Sánchez-Izquierdo, Ricardo Olmos, Carmen Huici, José Manuel Ribera Casado & Alfonso Cruz Jentoft - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Behavioral Lifestyles and Survival: A Meta-Analysis.Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, Elizabeth Valeriano-Lorenzo, Macarena Sánchez-Izquierdo & Juan Botella - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of the study is to determine the association between Behavioral Lifestyles and longevity in the elderly. A search strategy was conducted in the PsycInfo, Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. The primary outcome was mortality/survival. Four variables were analyzed to evaluate the role of potential moderators. Ninety-three articles, totaling more than 2,800,000 people, were included in the meta-analysis. We found that the lifestyles analyzed predict greater survival. Specifically, doing regular physical activity, engaging in leisure activities, sleeping (...)
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  8. Contra una tozuda realidad, un trabajo tenaz: entrevista con Mº Soledad Cazorla Prieto, Fiscal de Sala delegada contra la violencia de género.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco & Soledad Cazorla Prieto - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):92-96.
    Por supuesto se expresa como quien conoce muy bien los términos jurídicos pero con la habilidad de no abrumar al interlocutor. Inspira confianza. Es una mujer grande que mira directamente a los ojos y sonríe casi siempre. Escucha con atención y acierta a comunicar desde la propia experiencia no ya de brillante profesional de la judicatura, sino de mujer, madre, compañera� Enseguida hemos pasado del usted al tú�.
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    Humanidad por defecto, cooperación por defecto.Rodrigo Alfonso González Fernández & María Soledad Krause Muñoz - 2022 - Isegoría 67:19-19.
    Según John Searle, las posiciones _por defecto_, _i. e_., las condiciones de inteligibilidad del pensamiento y la acción son algunos _puntos de partida_ que se presuponen de manera pre-reflexiva y pragmática. Su postulación es, además, una novel manera de tratar con algunos problemas perennes de la filosofía, dejándolos entre paréntesis. Dichos problemas son la existencia del mundo externo, la verdad y como esta tiene que ver con hechos, la percepción directa, los significados de las palabras y, finalmente, la causalidad. En (...)
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    Editorial: Psycho-Behavioral Factors and Longevity.Macarena Sánchez-Izquierdo, Hans-Werner Wahl, Oscar Ribeiro & Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Attitudes of University Students Regarding Potential Conflicts in Socially Responsible Companies.Jesus Barrena-Martinez, Macarena Lopez-Fernandez, Cristina Marquez-Moreno & Pedro Miguel Romero-Fernandez - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (2):125-138.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly viewed as a strategic management tool for companies to draw in candidates. In this arena, international responsible rankings such as ‘The Great Place to Work’, ‘Family Responsible Employer Index (FREE)’ or ‘The Best Companies for Working Mothers’ put emphasis on the value of responsible behaviours, not only for surviving in the market, but also to ‘win the war for talent’. Using a sample of Spanish University students, this research aims to analyse the process of (...)
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  12. Al servicio de la vida.Ma Soledad Del Alamo Fernandez-Layos - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (231):361-366.
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    La confianza en la construcción de la realidad social.María Soledad Krause Muñoz & Rodrigo González Fernández - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):33-53.
    El artículo analiza el rol que cumple la confianza en la construcción de la realidad social, argumentando que constituye uno de sus componentes esenciales. Lo es porque hace posible el nacimiento, permanencia y reconocimiento colectivo de las instituciones, así como su iteración y organización en subsistemas.
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    Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease.María Dolores Peláez-Aguilera, Macarena Espinilla, María Rosa Fernández Olmo & Javier Medina - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-11.
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    Dualidades en la novela De repente (1933) de Diego Muñoz Espinoza.Macarena Silva Contreras - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    En De repente (1933), novela del chileno Diego Muñoz Espinoza, la fragmentación mental del personaje principal funciona como una estrategia narrativa que permite evidenciar cómo él se construye a sí mismo a través de dos identidades en constante pugna. En la primera parte de este artículo se explora la dualidad del personaje en términos de su soledad existencial y de la fractura de su ‘yo’; en la segunda, en términos de objetos, situaciones y personajes que también se hallan desdoblados; (...)
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    Escrituras de la ausencia: las novelas de los hijos de las posdictaduras de Chile y Argentina.Macarena García-Avello - 2019 - Arbor 195 (793):521.
    Las reflexiones en torno a la escritura de acontecimientos traumáticos como fueron las dictaduras chilenas y argentinas genera una serie de aporías que podrían resumirse en las siguientes cuestiones: ¿cómo comprender aquello que sobrepasa toda comprensión?, ¿cómo narrar lo inenarrable?, ¿cómo recomponer los testimonios de acontecimientos desprovistos de testigos? En este ensayo me propongo explorar estos asuntos en relación con cuatro novelas que parten de la ausencia, en tanto el pasado de la dictadura -identificado no solo como irrepresentable, también como (...)
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    L. Feuerbach y la tradición filosófica.Arsenio Ginzo Fernández - 2006 - Endoxa 1 (21):239.
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    Sistemas distrituales de innovación.Daniel Gabaldón Estevan, Ignacio Fernández de Lucio & Francesc Xavier Molina Morales - 2012 - Arbor 188 (753):63-73.
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    Positional Differences in the Most Demanding Scenarios of External Load Variables in Elite Futsal Matches.Jordi Illa, Daniel Fernandez, Xavier Reche & Fabio R. Serpiello - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aims of this study were to analyze the peak physical demands in elite futsal by quantifying the most demanding scenarios of match play and to identify the differences between playing positions and the seasonal trend for five different rolling average time windows. The most demanding scenarios of external load from distance, speed, acceleration, and deceleration variables were obtained from 14 elite futsal players using a local positioning system during 15 official matches in the premier Spanish Futsal League. The results (...)
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    An implicit measure of undetected change.Ian Thornton & Diego Fernandez-Duque - 2000 - Spatial Vision 14 (1):21-44.
    b>—Several paradigms (e.g. change blindness, inattentional blindness, transsaccadic integra- tion) indicate that observers are often very poor at reporting changes to their visual environment. Such evidence has been used to suggest that the spatio-temporal coherence needed to represent change can only occur in the presence of focused attention. However, those studies almost always rely on explicit reports. It remains a possibility that the visual system can implicitly detect change, but that in the absence of focused attention, the change does not (...)
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  21. Embodiment and Objectification in Illness and Health Care: Taking Phenomenology from Theory to Practice.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Nursing 29 (21-22):4403-4412.
    Aims and Objectives. This article uses the concept of embodiment to demonstrate a conceptual approach to applied phenomenology. -/- Background. Traditionally, qualitative researchers and healthcare professionals have been taught phenomenological methods, such as the epoché, reduction, or bracketing. These methods are typically construed as a way of avoiding biases so that one may attend to the phenomena in an open and unprejudiced way. However, it has also been argued that qualitative researchers and healthcare professionals can benefit from phenomenology’s well-articulated theoretical (...)
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  22. Historia del ecumenismo en España: José Luis Díez Moreno, San Pablo, 2008.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):105.
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  23. Lógica, de Carlos E. Alchourrón.Gustavo Fernández Díez - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):130-132.
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    Recuperación de memoria democrática en la Ribeira Sacra: la educación patrimonial para superar el olvido.Laura Vázquez Rodríguez & Belén Castro Fernández - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:347-365.
    La educación patrimonial crítica es un enfoque didáctico que facilita al alumnado reconsiderar su relación con el entorno. Busca promover el sentido de pertenencia, la empatía y el respeto por la diversidad de perspectivas, empoderando a los estudiantes como agentes de cambio social, a través del ejercicio de la ciudadanía democrática. De este modo, favorece el cuestionamiento de narrativas dominantes y la recuperación de la memoria democrática, dándole voz a todas aquellas historias ocultas y sometidas al olvido. Con el presente (...)
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  25. Memoria histórica y pensamiento crítico: una experiencia de innovación didáctica sobre el franquismo en un aula de 4º de la ESO.Sergio Fernández Vázquez, Tania Riveiro Rodríguez & Andrés Domínguez Almansa - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:103-126.
    Este trabajo lleva a cabo un estudio de caso descriptivo en un aula de 4º de la ESO en la que se aborda, desde Geografía e Historia, la cuestión problemática de la memoria histórica a partir de la dictadura franquista. La experiencia didáctica se orientó a transformar los contenidos programados en el libro de texto y promover el diálogo y la reflexión. El objetivo era observar si el alumnado era capaz de entender, asumir y reivindicar, desde una perspectiva crítica, el (...)
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    Compensating for research risk: permissible but not obligatory.Holly Fernandez Lynch & Emily A. Largent - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):827-828.
    When payment is offered for controlled human infection model research, ethical concerns may be heightened due to unfamiliarity with this study design as well as perceptions—and misperceptions—regarding risk. Against this backdrop, we commend Grimwade et al 1 for their careful handling of the relevant issues, coupling empirical and conceptual approaches. We agree with foundational elements of the authors’ analysis, including the acceptability of payment for research risk.1 However, in our view, it is preferable to treat payment for risk as a (...)
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    A sound and complete axiomatization for Dynamic Topological Logic.David Fernández-Duque - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):947-969.
    Dynamic Topological Logic (DFH) is a multimodal system for reasoning about dynamical systems. It is defined semantically and, as such, most of the work done in the field has been model-theoretic. In particular, the problem of finding a complete axiomatization for the full language of DFH over the class of all dynamical systems has proven to be quite elusive. Here we propose to enrich the language to include a polyadic topological modality, originally introduced by Dawar and Otto in a different (...)
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  28.  11
    Out of Our Minds: What We Think and How We Came to Think It.Felipe Fernández-Armesto - 2019 - University of California Press.
    _"A stimulating history of how the imagination interacted with its sibling psychological faculties—emotion, perception and reason—to shape the history of human mental life."—_The __Wall Street Journal__ To imagine—to see what is not there—is the startling ability that has fueled human development and innovation through the centuries. As a species we stand alone in our remarkable capacity to refashion the world after the picture in our minds. Traversing the realms of science, politics, religion, culture, philosophy, and history, Felipe Fernández-Armesto reveals the (...)
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  29.  16
    Entropy and a sub-group of geometric measures of paths predict the navigability of an environment.D. Yesiltepe, P. Fernández Velasco, A. Coutrot, A. Ozbil Torun, J. M. Wiener, C. Holscher, M. Hornberger, R. Conroy Dalton & H. J. Spiers - 2023 - Cognition 236 (C):105443.
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    Adolescent Life Satisfaction Explained by Social Support, Emotion Regulation, and Resilience.Lorea Azpiazu Izaguirre, Arantzazu Rodríguez Fernández & Eider Goñi Palacios - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Adolescence is a stage characterized by many biological and psychosocial changes, all of which may result in a decrease in subjective well-being. It is therefore necessary to identify those factors that contribute to increased life satisfaction, in order to promote positive development among young people. The aim of this study is to examine the dynamics of a set of variables that contribute to life satisfaction. A total of 1,188 adolescents completed the Perceived Social Support from Family and Friends and Perception (...)
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  31. Reconsidering the affective dimension of depression and mania: towards a phenomenological dissolution of the paradox of mixed states.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2014 - Journal of Psychopathology 20 (4):414-422.
    In this paper, I examine recent phenomenological research on both depressive and manic episodes, with the intention of showing how phenomenologically oriented studies can help us overcome the apparently paradoxical nature of mixed states. First, I argue that some of the symptoms included in the diagnostic criteria for depressive and manic episodes in the DSM-5 are not actually essential features of these episodes. Second, I reconsider the category of major depressive disorder (MDD) from the perspective of phenomenological psychopathology, arguing that (...)
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  32. Inner Speech and Metacognition: a defense of the commitment-based approach.Víctor Fernández Castro - 2019 - Logos and Episteme: An International Journal of Epistemology (3):245-261.
    A widespread view in philosophy claims that inner speech is closely tied to human metacognitive capacities. This so-called format view of inner speech considers that talking to oneself allows humans to gain access to their own mental states by forming metarepresentation states through the rehearsal of inner utterances (section 2). The aim of this paper is to present two problems to this view (section 3) and offer an alternative view to the connection between inner speech and metacognition (section 4). According (...)
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  33.  55
    Effective Elements to Establish an Ethical Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study of SMEs in the Madrid Region.José Luis Fernández & Javier Camacho - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):113-131.
    The purpose of this study is to identify the elements that can be implemented to achieve an ethical infrastructure, in small and medium enterprises. The ethical infrastructure is considered as a set of formal and informal systems, leadership, climate and culture, related to ethical issues. The research was carried out through interviews and focus groups with managers from 28 companies in Madrid, all signatories to the Global Compact. The identified key elements in SMEs are leadership, informal managerial and formal communication. (...)
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    Citizenship Education and Liberalism: A State of the Debate Analysis 1990–2010.Christian Fernández & Mikael Sundström - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (4):363-384.
    What kind of citizenship education, if any, should schools in liberal societies promote? And what ends is such education supposed to serve? Over the last decades a respectable body of literature has emerged to address these and related issues. In this state of the debate analysis we examine a sample of journal articles dealing with these very issues spanning a twenty-year period with the aim to analyse debate patterns and developments in the research field. We first carry out a qualitative (...)
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  35. Reconsideraciones en torno de los derechos de la niñez y la adolescencia.Alma Fernández Hasan - 2007 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 20:2.
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    Converging evidence for the detection of change without awareness.Ian Thornton & Diego Fernandez-Duque - 2002 - Progress in Brain Research.
  37.  7
    Curriculum Work as a Public Moral Enterprise.Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernandez & James T. Sears - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    Reflecting the current turn in curriculum work that underscores the relationship between theory and practice, this volume brings together the voices of curriculum theorists working within academic setting and practitioners working in schools and other educational settings. The book traces their collaborative work, challenging the assumption that practitioners should be only consumers of the theory produced by academics. Thus, this collection engages readers in the complicated conversation about the relationship between theory and practice, between theoreticians and practitioners. Although every author (...)
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    El primer Heidegger y su confrontación con la filosofía medieval / The Young Heidegger and His Confrontation with Medieval Philosophy.Arsenio Ginzo Fernández - 2013 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 20:167.
    One of the main features of Heidegger’s thinking is his constant confrontation with the history of the western philosophy, above all with the greek and the modern. But the young Heidegger also maintained an important dialogue with medieval philosophy. This article is intended as an approximation to this last topic, in the light of the new volumes that appeared within the framework of the Gesamtausgabe. The heideggerian confrontation with medieval philosophy is primarly a philosophical confrontation and is changing according to (...)
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    A SUMO and ubiquitin code coordinates protein traffic at replication factories.Emilio Lecona & Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1209-1217.
    Post‐translational modifications regulate each step of DNA replication to ensure the faithful transmission of genetic information. In this context, we recently showed that deubiquitination of SUMO2/3 and SUMOylated proteins by USP7 helps to create a SUMO‐rich and ubiquitin‐low environment around replisomes that is necessary to maintain the activity of replication forks and for new origin firing. We propose that a two‐flag system mediates the collective concentration of factors at sites of DNA replication, whereby SUMO and Ubiquitinated‐SUMO would constitute “stay” or (...)
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  40. El agnosticismo, de Julián Velarde.Manuel Angel Fernández Lorenzo - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):138-141.
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  41. Escribir del fracaso y la esperanza en el corazón de Europa: yo, otro: crónica del cambio.José Antonio Fernández López - 2005 - In Manuel Ballester Hernandez (ed.), Ante un mundo roto: lecturas sobre la esperanza. Murcia: Universidad Católica San Antonio.
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    Adding Insult to Injury: Reluctance to Engage in Clinical Research with At-Risk Groups Further Disenfranchises These Populations.Holly Fernandez Lynch & Liza Dawson - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):62-64.
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    “No More Insecurities”: New Alternative Masculinities' Communicative Acts Generate Desire and Equality to Obliterate Offensive Sexual Statements.Harkaitz Zubiri-Esnaola, Nerea Gutiérrez-Fernández & Mengna Guo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:674186.
    To justify attraction to Dominant Traditional Masculinities (DTM) and lack of attraction to non-aggressive men, some women defend opinions such as “there are no frigid women, only inexperienced men”. Such statements generate a large amount of sexual-affective insecurity in oppressed men and contribute to decoupling desire and ethics in sexual-affective relationships, which, in turn, reinforces a model of attraction to traditional masculinities that use coercion, thus perpetuating gender-based violence. New Alternative Masculinities (NAM) represent a type of masculinity that reacts to (...)
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    “Investigación Formativa” En El Estudio Multidisciplinar Del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbanístico.Rodrigo Almonacid & Miguel Fernández-Maroto - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-14.
    Ante la devaluación de la formación universitaria debido a la escisión entre docencia e investigación, se propone la “investigación formativa” como fórmula de aprendizaje significativo. Se ofrece un marco epistemológico basado en la complejidad del conocimiento en Humanidades, y un planteamiento metodológico organizado sobre la transversalidad y convergencia disciplinar. Se presentan resultados de su aplicación en el estudio de problemas relacionados con el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbanístico. Se muestran casos de estudios diversos que demuestran su flexibilidad, su interactividad en el (...)
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  45. Fenomenología del color. El problema de las sensaciones visuales.Pilar Fernández Beites - 1999 - Escritos de Filosofía 18 (35):262-284.
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    ... Filosofía jurídica contemporánea.Emilio Fernández Camus - 1932 - La Habana: J. Montero.
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    El pensamiento de lo excepcional. Auschwitz, filosofía y representación 75 años después.José Antonio Fernández López - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):271-292.
    El acontecimiento radical simbolizado por Auschwitz sigue demandando una articulación discursiva, un pensamiento “después de”, setenta y cinco años después de la liberación de los campos. ¿Tiene Auschwitz esa relevancia y significación universal? ¿Son las implicaciones de este acontecimiento tan vinculantes que le hacen trascender los límites de su propia y radical particularidad? Determinar el significado de un acontecimiento como el que simboliza el lager de Auschwitz ha sido y sigue siendo un reto para el pensamiento,con profundas implicaciones estéticas, metafísicas (...)
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  48. La escuela y la educación una posibilidad para fortalecer la cultura de los derechos humanos.Pedro Linares Fernández In Memoriam - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (18):61-74.
    La mundialización de la economía, el reacomodo geopolítico, los conflictos entre pueblos y naciones, la desigualdad social, así como el avance vertiginoso en la ciencia, la tecnología y la cultura; son rasgos y desafíos significativos del tercer milenio. La racionalidad técnica-instrumental propicia una educación que establece roles y competencias como elementos centrales de la formación profesional, soslayando la problemática sobre los fines, objetivos y la dimensión social y política de la educación. En México se observa que los contenidos, estructuras y (...)
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    Prevalence of psychopathy in a community sample of Spanish adults: Definitions and measurements matter.Ana Sanz-García, María Elena Peña Fernández, María Paz García-Vera & Jesús Sanz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main objective of this work is to examine the prevalence of psychopathy in the general adult population from the main currently existing theoretical perspectives of psychopathy, using for this purpose the five-factor or Big Five model as a common language that allows the comparison and integration of the personality traits considered as defining psychopathy by these different perspectives. The NEO Personality Inventory-Revised was applied to a sample of 682 adults of the general Spanish population. The prevalence of clinical and (...)
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    Business Education and Idealism as Determinants of Stakeholder Orientation.Jose-Luis Godos-Díez, Roberto Fernández-Gago & Laura Cabeza-García - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):439-452.
    This paper based on the distinction between the instrumental and normative views of stakeholder management explores how business education and personal moral philosophies may influence the orientation adopted by an individual. A mediated regression analysis using survey information collected from 206 Spanish university students showed that those exposed to management theories were less willing to consider stakeholders when making business decisions if the consequent economic impacts on the firm were omitted. The results also provided support for a negative effect of (...)
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